Student Services

Mr. Cannon, Assistant Principal of Discipline

Ms. Denise Smith, Dean (Students A-L)

Ms. Nelson, Dean (Students M-Z)

Ms. Suzi Smith, Student Services Clerk

Welcome to Osceola Middle School. We at OMS are very proud of our students. We have a long history of being one the top graded middle school in the county and look forward to continuing the tradition with your help!


One of our goals in the student services office this year has been to reduce the number of tardies to school. As you know, our school-wide DEAR reading time begins promptly at 7:50, and students are expected to be in class at this time. At this time last year, we had 2297 students that reported tardy to school. We have reduced that number by 561 tardies which means we have had 1736 tardies to school this year. We truly appreciate your help. We also look forward to reducing the tardies to school even more next year. Please continue to stress the importance of arriving to school on time with your student, so that we may continue this positive trend!!

it is the policy of the Marion County School System that all students have an educational setting that is safe, secure, and free from harassment and bullying of any kind. Acts of bullying and/or harassment may lead to suspension, alternative placement, or expulsion.

  • Bullying is defined as an aggressive behavior intended to cause harm and exists in where there is a perceived imbalance of power and occurs over time.
  • Harassment is defined as any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture directed against a student.
  • Report all bullying and harassment incidences right away to a teacher, Guidance, or Discipline. We have a zero tolerance policy against any form of bullying and/or harassment.

7th Grade Shots: Marion County Health Department has in the past offered free shots at the end of the year for outgoing 6th graders to be ready for the 7th grade. Listen to find out if that opportunity will be available sometime in May.


We continue to solicit your support with our students. Parental reinforcement of skills taught at school is always helpful. We thank you in advance.

The Student Services Office is the place to deliver, report, and look for missing items which are held in Lost and Found. Please place names inside jackets, lunch boxes, and other personal items. Parents can also come to Discipline to pick up confiscated items. After 45 days, unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

Students who need to use the phone to call home for transportation clarification or lunch money may use the phone in the Discipline Office. Dress code violators may also call for a change of clothing but will be asked to change and return to class instead of waiting in the discipline for a parent to bring a new clothing item. Students will NOT be allowed to call about forgotten assignments.

Parents, we want to be proactive!! If you know of a potential problem situation, please call and share with us so we can work to prevent escalation.


There is no substitute for direct instruction from teachers. Students need to be in school on a daily basis. This is the only way they can practice the skills that will be tested.


The school encourages parent/teacher conferences. It is not necessary for something negative to happen in order for a meeting with teachers to be arranged. Please call the guidance office (671-7105) and ask for a conference with the teachers. The guidance office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Parents, our office is open not only to serve consequences for discipline problems but also to redirect students. Please let us know how we can help!