Mrs. Lorick
(students whose last names begin with letters A-L)
[email protected]
(352) 671-7100
Mrs. Schooley
(students whose last names begin with letters M-Z)
[email protected]
(352) 671-7100
If you need emergency mental health support when not at school, tell a trusted adult near you and call 911 or call the national suicide prevention lifeline @ 988. Suicide and Crisis Lifeline for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or Hearing Loss:
We would like to invite you to make an appointment with us to learn about the services we offer and those offered from this office. You don't need to wait until you have a problem or special reason! We hope that, together, we can lay a good foundation for future success and achievement by making your child's years at Osceola Middle a happy and rewarding learning experience.